Category: Uncategorized
Good Friends Add to your Strength
“मित्रसंग्रहेण बलम् संपद्दाते |” is a chanakya quote (चाणक्य सूत्र ) that means “By adding friends you add to your strength“. Let’s dig deeper… Be it the war or elections; numbers do matter. More supporters you have, higher will be your chances of victory. If not in all, then too this principle is valid in many…
Spiritual thoughts vs Practical Wisdom
“शास्त्रोअपी लोकज्ञो मुर्ख तुल्यः |” This inspirational thought by Acharya Chanakya means that “One who knows about scriptures (शास्त्र), but is unaware about norms of real world; is a fool”. In Hindi “शास्त्र जानने वाला यदि लोक-व्यव्हार नहीं जानता, तो वह मुर्ख के समान है|”. The motivational quote stated at the very beginning of this post talks about…
The Reason Behind Friendship and Enmity
हेतुतः शत्रुमित्रे भविष्यतः | i.e. there exists a reason behind friendship and behind enmity. This chanakya quote conveys a very direct and important message. Let’s dig deeper… The reasons? The reasons can be many, but the point to be noted is that there exists a reason for sure. There always exists a goal to be…
What is Wrong in Punishing the Innocent?
This post is not for all because it is more of a reminder to a few who knowingly or unknowingly commit or support injustice in a way or another. I am not only talking about the justice related to law & order, but also referring to the justice/injustice prevalent in micro systems like peer groups, families, neighborhoods,…
Abide by the Rules
Today we have a very interesting Chanakya Quote to be discussed. It is “राज्ञ: प्रतिकूलं नाचरेत् |”. It conveys the message that one must not go against the order given by the King. * Discretion is Advised. Now a days we don’t have kings at most of the places, but everywhere there exists some sort…
Don’t be Stubborn to be Happy in Life
Chanakya gave a principle “मानी प्रतिमानीनमात्मनि द्वितीयं मंत्रमुत्पादयेत् |”. It means that while in a discussion a man must keep aside his ego to reach a valid conclusion. For me the validity of this Chanakya quote (चाणक्य सूत्र) is indisputable. The points I am about to make are important for all, but are even more important…
Be Confident And Avoid Flattery
A Simple Human Trait It is human nature to seek acceptance of others. This is true for most of us irrespective of our status in society. Everyone seems interested in acquiring external validation in order to justify their acts. This is evident in acts of a peasant as well as in large scale political campaigns…
Trick For Effective TeamWork
The people around impact us and our lives. This impact might be positive or negative depending on the positivity and negativity of those people. For this reason a wise man avoids accompanying unenthusiastic, negative, or angry people. Instead he prefers company of other wise men of high character and great morale. The simple message is…
Improve Yourself with Help of Knowledge
This article revolves around the concept of self improvement and the inspiration was obtained from a Chanakya Sutra that says “विज्ञानेनात्मानं सम्पादयेत् |” which means “Make yourself eligible with the help of knowledge (विज्ञानं = science).” Call it knowledge, information, intelligence, or wisdom; they all are the sides of same polygon. We use different terms…
The Chariot with One Wheel?
Chanakya said “नैकं चक्रं परिभ्रम्यति|” i.e. you cannot move a chariot having a single wheel. This sutra by Kautilya is about significance of teamwork and importance of coordination amongst the team members. Have a look… An Individual must Know his Weaknesses: A Chariot is a successful partnership of at least two or more wheels. A one-wheeled chariot is useless as well as troublesome. An individual must have a…