Tag: Mantra For Success In Life

  • Do you need more Time?

    In theory, all men were created equal by the almighty God. In reality, we live on a planet referred as the Earth. This planet is real and real people dwell on it with their own realities. This is the place where theories and their realities are never a perfect overlap. Sometimes this difference is small,…

  • Cure for Weakness?

    Who is Superstrong? Most of the people in this world are weak and a few are strong. Interestingly, for every strong man there exists something/someone stronger to tackle. This is true for me, you, and even for the Captain America. The omnipresent and omnipotent Almighty has created this world in a very interesting manner. He has created…

  • Do It Nicely Otherwise Don’t

    Everyone desires success in life and it is something that cannot be bought from the market. The recipe is simple and still most of us fail to cook it right. This article might help you in finding an answer. Acharya Chanakya was very practical in his approach and he emphasized a lot on “Why?”. He…

  • Why The Sandalwood Tree Burnt?

    “चन्दनानपि दावोऽग्निर्दहत्येव।” is the inspirational Chanakya quote (चाणक्य सूत्र) that we will be discussing today. The English and Hindi Translations are stated below: The forest fire burns even trees like sandalwood. दावानल चन्दन अदि को भी जला देती है । This spiritual quote has multiple interpretations. Have a look… Things affecting people around you will gradually…

  • Stop Irrigating the Dead Tree

    Today’s Chanakya Sutra is ” न पुष्पार्थी सिञ्चति शुष्क्तरुम् । “. In Hindi it means ” फूलों की कामना करने वाला मनुष्य सूखे वृक्ष को नहीं सींचता है ।” and in English it means “A man desiring flowers does not irrigates a dead tree.“. It is one of the best quotes by Chankaya. It conveys…

  • Conformity: The Basic Behaviour

    The literature as well as life of Acharya Chanakya is full of inspirational messages. Today we will be discussing another interesting quote by him. गतानुगतिको लोको। लोग एक दुसरे का अनुपालन करते हैं। People influence/imitate people. A well known fact is that we humans are sophisticated social animals and whatever we do affects one another. What most…

  • Intelligent Men Control Greed

    Majority of the Chanakya quotes on wisdom are quite easy to understand and even this one. तृष्णया मतिश्छाद्यते। तृष्णा बुद्धि पर आवरण डाल देता है। Greed/thirst puts a cover on intelligence. In order to validate this Chanakya Sutra, you can try recalling a few mistakes from your past. On doing so you will find that…

  • How to Overcome Laziness?

    Before discussing the key topic, i.e.”How to overcome Laziness“, I would like to present a few Chanakya quotes stating his opinion about laziness. अलब्ध्लाभो नालसस्य | (A lazy person cannot achieve anything.) आलसस्य लब्ध्मपि रक्षीतुं न शक्यते | (A lazy person cannot defend his possessions.) न आलसस्य रक्षीतुं विवर्धते | (The savings of a lazy person…

  • Not to Display Anger in Public

    The current post talks a bit about public display of anger. The inspiration for this article was obtained after reading the following Chanakya Quote. संसदी शत्रु न परिक्रोशेत्  | It means “Not to display anger towards your opponent in public.” Let’s dig deeper. It’s about how You look? It matters how we present ourselves in front…

  • Don’t be Stubborn to be Happy in Life

    Chanakya gave a principle “मानी प्रतिमानीनमात्मनि  द्वितीयं मंत्रमुत्पादयेत् |”. It means that while in a discussion a man must keep aside his ego to reach a valid conclusion. For me the validity of this Chanakya quote (चाणक्य सूत्र) is indisputable. The points I am about to make are important for all, but are even more important…