What is Strength?
In my view Strength is the ability of a person to make things happen as per his desire. You can dream about a lot of things, but none will be come true until and unless you have the required ‘Power’ to accomplish that particular objective.
A man in his life requires playing different roles. The role of a son, brother, boss, employees, father, nationalist, student, teammate, team-leader, teacher, player, coach, entrepreneur, and more. Therefore, the kind of strength required by the same person will also vary as per his role and environment.
For example, to get good marks in competitive examination one will require emphasizing on mental abilities than on the muscles. On the other hand when it comes about winning a sprint race the greater emphasis will be on physical strength. Also, there are numerous scenarios where you will require a combination of mind as well as muscles.
The other important fact is that there exits different strengths that are neither muscular nor mental in nature (Like social, spiritual, political powers). Whether you call it ‘strength’ or ‘Power’ the stuff remains same.
Different States?
The terms like inner power, outer power, potential, kinetic etc fall in either of the categories.
- Utilizable: Which can deliver you results in a short while.
- Inert: The strength/Energy/power which exists, but cannot be utilized. This means that the kind of strength is useless until transformed to utilizable form.
This can be understood from example of carbohydrates and fat in the body. Carbohydrates deliver instant energy, while fat acts a sustainable somewhat slower source of energy.
In the Holy Ramayana is the story of lord Hanuman who was unaware about his strengths. When Jamwanta Ji reminded Hanuman about his powers then he made the historic jump from India to the beach of Lanka.
It’s time that you realize your true potential, increase it, and turn it into utilizable-form. The smart reader like you must not require any extra explanation.
Necessity of Power?
In every type of society, is prevalent the universal principle of dominance. One who has power is likely to be treated with more respect and is likely to receive more benefits. Here, the kind of respect can be external or internal depending upon the capability, nature, and good-will.
The big fish will consume the smaller fishes be it a pond in the United States, India, Russia, Sweden, China or any other part of the world. The simple truth of life is that the level of acceptance (natural or forced acceptance) will be directly proportional to the amount of power you have.
Rich getting richer and poor getting poorer is nothing, but the derivations from this simple equation.
What Increases Your Strength?
The factors like your knowledge, wealth, social influence, expertise, friends & family, your skills, your ideas etc add to it.
Also, other people will support you only when they will see some sort of profit. Therefore, a helpful person is likely to receive more help than an ordinary or a troublesome person.
Required in Conflicts and Retaliation:
It might sound inappropriate, but in time of a minor dispute among individuals or a fully flinched war between nations; it is the power & strength that comes handy. A wise man will never initiate any kind of trouble. Anyhow, when the situation arises he will retaliate or might attempt to end the conflict in its initial state.
Retaliation is a very serious act and must be done with extra precaution, caution and care. There are situations when you are not left with any other option. In Chanakya Neeti it has been said:
“There are only two ways to deal with thorns. One is to avoid them and other is to crush them under your boot”
and for that your will require strength. power, and authority. If you don’t have the power to face the opponent, better avoid it. Save yourself for tomorrow than to waste your energy. Valor is a great attribute, but is not applicable in all situations.
- Strength is a very important component for success. It also helps in survival.
- Be realistic in your life and evaluate your strengths and weaknesses in exact proportions.
- Don’t invite the trouble if your are not powerful enough to deal with it.
- Retaliation might become necessary at some point, but don’t move further until you are fully prepared.
- You need to grow your strength and power continuously in order to get to the top and to maintain that position.
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