Chapter 4 of chanakya neeti

Quotes from Chapter four of Chanakya Niti:

Sons, friends, kith & kin are capable of distracting you. A wise man understands that only his holy acts will ultimately bring blessings to him and his loved ones and therefore remains undistributed.

As a mother takes care of every requirement of her infants, similarly, a saint must deliver spiritual guidance to his followers.

Knowledge is like holy kamdhenu and is like a tree that bears fruit in every season. In unknown territories, it provides protection and also fetches rewards for you.

It is better to have a worthy son than having hundreds of unworthy ones.  Like millions of stars in the sky have no competition with the brightness of the moon.

When a dead son is born, then the person griefs for a few days, but an unworthy son is a grief for a lifetime.

Pains that arise from a quarrelsome wife, by dwelling a village of bad people, a stupid son, bad food, wicked employer, and widowed daughter are challenging to bear.

Like there is no profit in raising a barren cow. Raising a son without knowledge or devotion is also useless.

This world is like a hell, where a person can get three kinds of relief in the form of a devoted wife, an upright son, and friendship of a noble person.

A king orders once, great scholars speak once, and the daughter is married once. Therefore one must be very careful regarding those.

Meditation is performed best when alone, education by two, singing by three, traveling with four persons, farming with five, and battle with as many possible.

A good wife is pious, expert at household chores, faithful, and never speaks a lie to her husband.

A vital verse of Chanakya Niti compares following with poison:

  • knowledge that is confined to books. (cannot be put to use)
  • A meal without an appetizer.
  • Residing in a community of poor people.
  • Life of a young woman married to an old man.

A man must leave a religion without love and compassion, must leave a teacher without knowledge. Also, it is better to leave a short-tempered wife and relatives with no love and respect for you.

A person traveling a lot is likely to get weak/old, a tethered horse quickly gets old, same happens with a woman without love in her life, and to the clothes that are frequently exposed to the sun.

How is this situation, who are my real friends, how is my home’s condition, what’s my earnings and expenditure, what are my talents and weaknesses are the questions that a wise man asks himself all the time?

 Chapter-3 Chanakya Neeti       Chanakya Neeti: chapter 5

* Discretion advised





19 responses to “Chapter 4 of chanakya neeti”

  1. munni sinha Avatar
    munni sinha

    I am impressed

  2. ruvida ansari Avatar
    ruvida ansari

    I am in full agreement with chanakya neeti. Really nice ideas …

  3. Asha singh Avatar
    Asha singh

    Chanakya neeti is great…

  4. abhinav bhave Avatar
    abhinav bhave

    he was a genius

  5. Pankaj singh Avatar
    Pankaj singh

    Yep! religion is about wellness and nothing about hatred

  6. Suganda singh Avatar
    Suganda singh

    It’s probably the best remedy for mental health

  7. dikshit Valia Avatar
    dikshit Valia

    Awesome…need to follow Chanakya….;life will be awesome and successful

  8. Himanshu Shah Avatar
    Himanshu Shah

    Chanakya niti is always taught me right way….

  9. Vikas Joshi Avatar
    Vikas Joshi

    Chankya neeti could change a fool to a wise man

  10. Babita Avatar

    if money is not the solution for all problem; still money is solution for most of them …

  11. Vikas Uniyal Avatar
    Vikas Uniyal

    “How is this situation, who are my real friends, how is my home’s condition, what’s my earnings and expenditure, what are my talents and weaknesses …. are the questions that a wise man asks himself all the time? ”
    True words i keep this line in my purse and read it daily

  12. Hansika sadaranganiadvani Avatar
    Hansika sadaranganiadvani

    I agree on most of the point but all the time he talks of quarrelsome wife characterless wife a man should leave what about a quarrelsome and characterless husband a women should just keep on tolerating that is the problem with men no matter how wise but their thinking is so sad and unwise wish chanakaya was alive would loved to hv asked him this why isn’t he advising men a women most of the time quarrels when she is not heard and respected by her husband and fly he should hv Beene a women to understand the problems do women in life

    1. Henry Avatar

      No question goes unanswered, wait till you have a son whom you love above everything. And this question is best answered when you have daughter in law.

    2. Preetika Karnal Avatar
      Preetika Karnal

      Exactly. His ideology is too patriarchal.
      What if the so called ‘wise man’ has a ‘widowed’ son or an ‘unworthy’ daughter?
      And parenting with social conditions in a major way decide what children grow up to be. No one is ‘unworthy’ by birth.

      “A person traveling a lot is likely to get weak/old, same will be the case with a standing tethered horse, a woman lacking love in life and clothes that are frequently exposed to sun.”
      -every person gets weak or old with age. It has nothing to do with how they live their life.

      This is filled with too many falacies.

    3. Bharat Malviya Avatar
      Bharat Malviya

      Yes Hansika, I do understnd nd respect ur opinion bt Chanakya din relate each nd evry women as characterles or quarelsome, he has even spoken about honest nd loyal wives which spread hapines 🙂

    4. Rochak Avatar

      This was around 2350 years ago. Scenario has changed a lot since then. We all must try to understand it in today’s context.

      Look at yourself first and then blame anyone.

  13. Hunter Avatar

    Miss Hansika, Chanakya was a Great Guru no one can touch his level of brilence ever. When say leave characterless and short tempered wife he means vice-versa. This blog just converted his sanskrit shlok into english. But the meaning are so complicated to convey.

  14. Atanu Chatterjee Avatar
    Atanu Chatterjee


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