Tag: Mistakes in Life
Fools Happen to be Courageous
No matter how many inspirational movies he watched or how many inspirational stories he read; if he chooses to show valour at wrong time, then he’s surely a stupid. The 288th Chanakya Sutra says: मूर्खेषु साहसं नियतम् | i.e. मूर्खो में साहस तो होता ही है | “Fools happen to be courageous.“ * Discretion Is Advised Usually the…
Don’t be Stubborn to be Happy in Life
Chanakya gave a principle “मानी प्रतिमानीनमात्मनि द्वितीयं मंत्रमुत्पादयेत् |”. It means that while in a discussion a man must keep aside his ego to reach a valid conclusion. For me the validity of this Chanakya quote (चाणक्य सूत्र) is indisputable. The points I am about to make are important for all, but are even more important…
What desires to control and Why
Chanakya in his literature has emphasized a lot on controlling own desires. This includes, but is not restricted to control on desire to speak, desire to listen, desire to watch, and desire to feel. As a human being we are full of desires and want to do all kinds of things. An important thing to be…
5 Ways to Ruin your Hard Work
There are even more ways to ruin your hard work, but we will restrict this discussion to these five major causes. In recent days I received a bunch of direct and indirect questions which can be summarized as “If hard work is the key to success, then why a laborer is not?“. For sure hard…
Be Vigilant and Eliminate the Fear from Life
Fear is unpleasant for sure and no one likes to live with it, but the fact is that it exists. What can a man do to eliminate the fear from life? Is there a remedy to live life without fear? This post is about the fear of the unknown. Hopefully, you will find it beneficial.…
How Does a Stupid Person looks?
Chanakya said something interesting about the appearance of a foolish person in Chanakya Niti. Kautilya says that “A stupid person looks similar in appearance to any other human being despite being an animal.”. This Chanakya Quote in the form of a satire is rather simple to understand. In this article my main emphasis will be on conveying…
Hard WorK: Do it now or do it then
There are many quotes in Chanakya Neeti where Kautilya has appreciated the men who do Hard-word and condemned the lazy ones. As a matter of fact, no one likes a lazy guy. This post is about hard work, its benefits, its flaws, and a few related facts & observations. Have a look and hopefully you…
Why not to Humiliate Anyone?
I have observed that many people have a tendency to make fun of people whom they envy, consider inferior, or consider a competition. I have no problem in admitting that I was not an exception to this self-sabotaging act. In this article we will be having a look on rational reasons for not doing so. Also, I would…
An Approach Towards Investment
Chanakya said that “Money comparable to bride of an orthodox family is not of much use. It must be like a prostitute available to anyone in need”. This translated verse from Chanakya Neeti tells us about the right attitude and correct approach towards the investment. We can draw two broad inferences from it. One must…
Importance of Physical and Mental Fitness
Chanakya has emphasized a lot on planning & preparation for future events. Planning is considered as a pure mental activity. Its purpose is to prepare the person for events to come. In other words, we can say that planning is the act of thinking and preparation is the real-world activity to make your plan come true.…