Tag: Mantra For Success In Life
Self Improvement: The short-trick for Success
Self-improvement is the biggest favor that anyone can do to himself. Surely, it is the most harmonious (but not so easy) way to become successful in life. The core idea is to improve your abilities with every passing second till you become capable and worthy for the objective you aimed for. Be it the education,…
Honesty is the Best Policy
We all have heard the proverb that “Honesty is the best policy“. Not all, but many abide by this simple rule and are very successful in life. Friends! it might appear something general at first, but your thoughts will change till you reach the end of this article. In my life I haven’t seen a…
Strength and Power: An Overview
What is Strength? In my view Strength is the ability of a person to make things happen as per his desire. You can dream about a lot of things, but none will be come true until and unless you have the required ‘Power’ to accomplish that particular objective. A man in his life requires playing different roles.…
Motivation and its Life Span
Motivation is the factor that determines your success or failure in life. When you indulge yourself into some work with passion and devotion, then the chances for achieving success go up. On the other hand when you are not willing then even angels cannot guarantee anything. The interesting part is that in this competitive world…
Mantra For Success In Life
So the topic is “Mantra For Success In life”. Pretty interesting, but hard to get. Now, before moving further with it, I would ask you a question. Is there really one? As far as I think we all are individuals different from each other with a very different set of objectives to achieve. What we don’t realize is…
What’s Your New Year Resolution?
It’s definitely a wonderful idea to have a purposeful resolution this year. Actually, it is always a good time to begin with something useful and productive. Sooner you begin, sooner the results will be in-front of you. So the million dollar question is “What’s your new year resolution?“. For sure, the possibilities are endless. Bad…