Not to Engage With?

In a day of 24 hours, we are never idle. Even things like sleeping and resting do count as activities. Whatever we do is usually planned, pre-planned, poorly planned, or unplanned. The factor of planning is of utmost significance because whatever’s being done is an active or passive decision in itself and will have a consequence. This consequence will somehow impact life in a big or small way, positively or negatively, depending on the choice you made.

In short, time is a limited quantity, and if you desire to achieve more, you got to make the best use of it. Quite lame, yet the well-known fact is that “Time is money.” (Everyone knows this. Right!)

Why Time is considered as Money?

Money is a representation of value. The value of a thing depends on a few factors. Usually, it is directly proportional to:

  • The rareness or scarcity of the object.
  • The usefulness of the thing being evaluated.

Therefore time is precious. It cant be replaced or reproduced. Despite its easy availability, it’s not abundant.

This is the reason Chanakya said, “It is unwise to advise fool, to care for a woman of loose character, and to be in the company of a sad (unenthusiastic) person.
We would be discussing this inspirational Quote in detail :

Say no to fool:

One should not waste his time advising a fool who won’t listen. Even if he listens, what can be achieved form a fool? This also applies to people who are arrogant. By doing so you will only waste your precious time.

Instead, focus on and work with people who would really help. Stupid, arrogant, angry, and unenthusiastic teammates create unnecessary friction, slow things down, and unreliable.

Characterless Women?

The part of the quote about women talks specifically about women and has something more as well. As the book was specifically written by a man for the men, so in today’s context, it should be considered as the person of the opposite sex. (Use discretion people!)

This part talks about people with bad habits and who are reluctant to change. These are people who will show potential but won’t deliver the results. People who lure you into unethical activities. Who doesn’t want you to improve?

In addition, such people will not give importance to your help and support. Also, wasting time/resources on people who lack trustworthiness is not a bright idea. Adding such soldiers in your army or having such employees at your office is self suicidal in a manner.

Another simple suggestion is to refrain from illegal, unethical, unnatural, loveless, and meaningless pleasures & partners.

Being In Company of a Sad Person?

As an employer, I aim to weed out the black sheep. These are the people who damage morale or the team. When the problem arises one should solve it. Weeping and crying over the matter won’t solve it. The simple fact is that problems need a solution and solutions need implementation.

So if you want to succeed, stop wasting time on such people. Still, the choice is yours.





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