Tag: self development
Be Vigilant and Eliminate the Fear from Life
Fear is unpleasant for sure and no one likes to live with it, but the fact is that it exists. What can a man do to eliminate the fear from life? Is there a remedy to live life without fear? This post is about the fear of the unknown. Hopefully, you will find it beneficial.…
Hard WorK: Do it now or do it then
There are many quotes in Chanakya Neeti where Kautilya has appreciated the men who do Hard-word and condemned the lazy ones. As a matter of fact, no one likes a lazy guy. This post is about hard work, its benefits, its flaws, and a few related facts & observations. Have a look and hopefully you…
The Animals To Make you a Better Human
The title of this article sounds strange for sure. Trust me! it’s about the animals, in relation with Chanakya, and interesting as well. In the Chapter 6 of Chanakya Neeti, are mentioned a few animals and their characteristics. A man must try to become like those. They are: Lion Crane Cock Crow Dog Donkey The…
Is money Evil?
There are many people who relate money with evilness. They say that abundance of money makes you evil and it certainly can’t buy happiness. In this article I will be discussing about the importance of money, Can it buy happiness, its effects on your mind, and why it should not be considered evil. Before digging…
An Approach Towards Investment
Chanakya said that “Money comparable to bride of an orthodox family is not of much use. It must be like a prostitute available to anyone in need”. This translated verse from Chanakya Neeti tells us about the right attitude and correct approach towards the investment. We can draw two broad inferences from it. One must…
It is Life, do not Fake it
Chanakya has said that ” Even if a gem be placed on foot and a mirror on the head. Still, the gem will not lose its value.” The idea behind this inspirational quote is to mark the difference between people who have real talent and those who show-off. Also, it marks the difference between the special…
Handling Too much?
They say that “Excess of anything will lead to trouble” and I agree with whoever they are. This is a simple fact that most of us will agree to it provided the person’s hobby is not to look for exceptions. The life of a human being is not simple as eating, having sex, and dying.…
Useless Education
Chanakya Neeti says that: Education will be considered useless until it is not put to some practical use. The life of an uneducated person is a total waste. Similar is the case with an army without a commander… It is said that there exists a great power in knowledge and most of us will accept it…
Trying to Prove, What you are Not?
Denial of reality has become the new trend. More and more people are falling prey to this disease. I am sure that you must have encountered people who are good at nothing, but dialogues. The problem is that instead of relating themselves to real physical world, they dwell in some wonderland. They are the most hopeful people…
Self Improvement: The short-trick for Success
Self-improvement is the biggest favor that anyone can do to himself. Surely, it is the most harmonious (but not so easy) way to become successful in life. The core idea is to improve your abilities with every passing second till you become capable and worthy for the objective you aimed for. Be it the education,…