Enemies Target Your Weakness

This is not a new discovery that enemies hurt where it hurts most. Also, it is true that enemies usually don’t strike at bases which they consider as strong. This is so because:

    • Weaknesses can be easily exploited using fewer efforts.
    • The probability of success is more when a person targets weakness of someone or something. Totally opposite is the case when a person tries breaking something strong.

The simple truth is that your opponents and enemies are continuously searching for your weaknesses to strike. This is the truth and it cannot be denied.

Weakness is not just about lack of physical strength. The other thing such as lust, anger, arrogance etc. also add to the list. Lack of control over mind and body is perhaps the most chronic weakness (Alcoholism and drug addiction in particular). I have seen 100s of men with great potential and many of them are busy wasting their lives.

When an opponent lacks in visible weaknesses, then his enemies try different things either to know weakness or to create one. A person referring to himself as your friend might or might not be an actual friend. By revealing your secrets to him you are actually taking a huge risk.

Whatever I said in the previous paragraph might not sound cool, but is the reality. The world is quite busy creating troubles for you, better don’t create more for yourself. Be in control, and be smart.

What’s the solution? Well! “Don’t be weak” and “Don’t expose your weaknesses” and “Don’t ignore your weaknesses”.

“To err is human” is nothing, but the one line summary of excuses by men. Not in all, but in the majority of cases people tend to ignore the issues until it’s too late. Surprisingly, there also exist a few people who wait and keep waiting until it’s all over. If you are in a habit of ignoring/overlooking your mistakes and weaknesses then, what can be really expected from you?

A man can be his best buddy or his worst enemy. This depends on his actions and sense of responsibility towards himself. Whatever you say, see, or do is going to have some effect or an aftereffect. In reality, a man has almost nothing or very less control on the world outside. What he/she can really control is himself/herself. Being in right senses might seem effortless, but is not. It’s a constant fight with oneself. The journey from inches to meters requires a decent amount of time, caution, and precaution.


  • Neither ignore your weaknesses nor reveal them to your opponents.
  • Secrets are not meant to be shared until it becomes really important to do so. You just cannot share them without consequences.
  • Become stronger and keep doing so.
  • Neither ignore your weakness nor put it on display.

Inspirational Quote: छिद्रप्रहारिणः शत्रवोऽपि  (Enemies usually strike at your weaknesses i.e. शत्रु अक्सर कमजोरी पर प्रहार करते हैं )


13 responses to “Enemies Target Your Weakness”


    I learnt an important lesson through this article.

  2. anurag Avatar

    fantastic lesson for me for all my enemies as well…..thanks

  3. shubham tiwari Avatar
    shubham tiwari

    these type of msg’s need to be spread…:)

  4. Kumar Avatar

    Excellent and good learning article ..Thanks

  5. Muralidhar chitturu Avatar
    Muralidhar chitturu


  6. B.L Jajme Avatar
    B.L Jajme

    Very useful information & normally people open the weaknesses without any requirement to the peoples.

  7. malay das Avatar
    malay das


  8. Akshaya Kumar Mohanty Avatar
    Akshaya Kumar Mohanty

    Nice Information.

  9. Ankur Anand Avatar
    Ankur Anand

    I read today and I really appreciate this article

  10. Kaya Avatar

    What if its a physical weakness

  11. Srikanth Avatar

    Political tags – such as royalist, communist,
    democrat, populist, fascist, liberal conservative,
    and so forth – are never basic criteria. The human
    race divides politically into those who want
    people to be controlled and those who have no
    such desire.

  12. jitendra prasad mishra Avatar
    jitendra prasad mishra

    It makes me well aware thank you very much.

  13. Laxmikant Avatar


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