Month: December 2019

  • Assessing the Situation?

    A house having a venomous snake is not suitable for living. In the same manner, a home having an ill-tempered wife with low morals, with a deceitful friend, or with an impolite and talkative servant is also not suitable for living. Chapter 1 Chanakya Neeti When it comes to things like snake or fire, we…

  • Not to Engage With?

    In a day of 24 hours, we are never idle. Even things like sleeping and resting do count as activities. Whatever we do is usually planned, pre-planned, poorly planned, or unplanned. The factor of planning is of utmost significance because whatever’s being done is an active or passive decision in itself and will have a…

  • Is Chanakya Neeti Political or Religious Text?

    The simple answer is that it is both. It is a complete package that covers almost all aspects of life. Be it religious, social, political, or personal.  Social Aspect: The Ideas includes, but are not restricted to: The basic ideology is to uproot any favoritism in society. Points towards delegation of responsibilities to the capable…

  • Regarding Effectiveness of Chanakya Quotes

    “The knowledge in holy scriptures is like a huge sea. For a man with busy life, it will not be possible to read and understand everything. He must act like a swan i.e. attain what is useful and leave the rest”