Month: November 2014

  • Good Friends Add to your Strength

    “मित्रसंग्रहेण बलम् संपद्दाते |” is a chanakya quote (चाणक्य सूत्र ) that means “By adding friends you add to your strength“. Let’s dig deeper… Be it the war or elections; numbers do matter. More supporters you have, higher will be your chances of victory. If not in all, then too this principle is valid in many…

  • Spiritual thoughts vs Practical Wisdom

    “शास्त्रोअपी लोकज्ञो मुर्ख तुल्यः |” This inspirational thought by Acharya Chanakya means that “One who knows about scriptures (शास्त्र), but is unaware about norms of real world; is a fool”. In Hindi “शास्त्र जानने वाला यदि लोक-व्यव्हार नहीं जानता, तो वह मुर्ख के समान है|”. The motivational quote stated at the very beginning of this post talks about…