” साहसेन न कर्यसिद्धिर्भवति | ” is the inspirational quote that we will be discussing in this article. The Hindi and English translations are stated below.
- केवल साहस द्वारा कार्य सिद्ध नहीं होते|
- Only Courage cannot lead you to Victory .
Without doubt courage is mandatory to attain success in life. Still, it must be taken into consideration that courage alone is not of much use. Excess of courage is considered harmful by intelligent beings. This excessive courage is often turn into overconfidence, stupidity, madness, or foolishness.
There are several other things that play a crucial role in victory or defeat of a person. Such things include, but are not restricted to factors like knowledge, skill, planning, diplomacy, available support, wealth, and commitment.
It must be understood that in order to to create a tasty dish all ingredients must be put in right quantities and correct procedure is to be followed. Just adding more salt in lack of other ingredients will not do the job.
Anyone with a lot of courage, but without control is unlikely to succeed. Here by ‘control’ I refer to self-control as well as the kind of control one has on situations & circumstances.
A chariot with only one wheel is useless. In same manner, Valor alone cannot fetch you victory.
Guys! our real lives don’t provide us the flexibility of retakes as in movies. We must embrace this reality and should become more responsible and honest towards our lives. This over hyped courage and lack of planning is unlikely to deliver any gains. It might even backfire in few cases.
Consider example of a fearless common man confronting some illegal/unethical business being conducted in his community. For sure, he is courageous enough to raise his voice, but if he tries to accomplish this without planning and without support of other members, then most likely he will end up being an easy target. Also, his mission will remain unfulfilled. In short “Being brave is not enough”.
Please don’t misinterpret, but logically a martyr cannot contribute to his mission. In chapter 3 of Chanakya Neeti it has been said that ” In case of natural disasters, famine and unstoppable enemy invasion; one should run away and save life.”
What’s the point in fighting a war that cannot be won? Always evaluate the cost, effects, and aftereffects before beginning anything. You must ensure that there exists no confusion regarding your mission and your priorities.
Also I would like to quote a Chanakya Sutra that says “मूर्खेषु साहसं नियतम् “. It means that “Fools happen to be courageous“. Hopefully, you got the message.
The following points might help.
- Never act without thinking about the consequences.
- Always gather competitive intelligence.
- Don’t allow emotions to interfere with your planning. Self-Control in itself is a remarkable act of valor.
- It’s always better to be late than never reaching the destination.
There exists a very fine line between courage and foolishness and it should never be overlooked.
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