Trying to Prove, What you are Not?

Denial of reality has become the new trend. More and more people are falling prey to this disease. I am sure that you must have encountered people who are good at nothing, but dialogues. The problem is that instead of relating themselves to real physical world, they dwell in some wonderland.

They are the most hopeful people who believe that things will turn better with time and they will achieve everything they desire. On the other hand their actions might not be compatible with their goals.

We Humans Have a Tendency To Compete:

It is primitive human nature to compare & contrast own status and possessions with that of others. In the same manner others do it as well. This creates a kind of competition among us to be richer, powerful, influential, and happy than others. This tendency creates the complex system of hierarchy with conflict for dominance at different stages.

* The top-most reason for people to be sad is nothing but happiness of others.         

Why People Pretend and show-off?

The reasons can be many. The most prominent ones are:

  • As an attempt to fulfil pride/ego.
  • To gain acceptance.
  • To create safeguards.

In this world people are bound to believe as things appear to them. Someone might be very good at something, but no one will notice until and unless he shows/proves his skills in-front of others.

Considering the message in previous paragraph we can easily understand the reason for so many people trying to prove themselves as someone they are actually not.

Lets take example of a student, who after watching a movie gets inspired from the character and tries to copy him in his life. This kind of approach can be beneficial in few cases, but proves disastrous in most of them.

Your life and your surroundings are unique and same is the case with person standing next to you. The best (and perhaps the simplest) advice will be to adapt and adjust as per your environment.

* I mean how difficult is to accept this simple and life-transforming reality of life?

There is no point in Trying to Prove, What you are Not? Instead, you must get engaged in the tasks that you perform best. On doing so for a while you will realize that there absolutely no requirement to be anyone else.

* Steve Jobs never tried to act like Steve Jobs because he himself was Steve Jobs.


  • Be yourself.
  • Focus on things you can do best.
  • Don’t just Hope, better make plans and act upon them.
  • Better become someone-who-matters (in Reality).

Showing-off, jealousy, unjust comparisons etc. will not take you on the path of true glory. Work for satisfying yourself instead of proving something to others. Work and act in a manner that you will have nothing to regret upon, when you will begin the journey for next world.


4 responses to “Trying to Prove, What you are Not?”

  1. sudhakar Avatar

    nice do some more of Like this

  2. Sunny Avatar

    Very well written.

  3. Ruburu Avatar

    Gud work….

  4. xaurayz Avatar

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