Chanakya has emphasized a lot on planning & preparation for future events. Planning is considered as a pure mental activity. Its purpose is to prepare the person for events to come. In other words, we can say that planning is the act of thinking and preparation is the real-world activity to make your plan come true.
For example: Making a time table for something is part of the planning process and operating as per plan is the part of the preparation process.
* No rocket science involved. All I want to say is that planning is one thing and preparation is another thing.
Importance of Mental Health:
As far as the planning process is concerned, you cannot get it done without having a good mental health. Its ingredients are, but not limited to:
- Knowledge as per requirement (Engineering for Engineer, Medicine for Doctor, Astrology for Astrologer etc.). The simple fact is that you cannot plan something until and unless you have a proper understanding of it.
- Good and unbiased attitude is the second-most requirement. Good attitude ensures that you plan for profits and not just to overcome loss. Unbiased approach will help you in focusing on reality and not just to rely on your assumptions.
- Willingness is another very important factor. It is the factor that determines that you are really planning or pretending to plan.
Most of the people around us don’t suffer from any mental disorder. With a bit of practice, education, and commitment they all can achieve good mental health. My personal experience is that a person enslaves himself within the chains & boundaries build by none other than himself.
Chanakya has said that “The attitude of a person plays a very significant role in his life. At instances he finds himself bound by the worldly desires and with a slight change in state-of-mind he can also set himself free.“
Significance of Physical Health:
It is not sufficient to have a good brain, you will also require a healthy body. This statement is even true for people who do a mental job like programmers, analysts, clerks or any other job-profile.
The human brain is only 2% of the weight of the body, but it consumes about 20% of the total energy in the body at rest. If you are someone who requires doing a lot of mental work, then the energy consumption will be even greater. This way physical fitness is not just an option, but a mandatory requirement.
Mental health will determine the quality of your plans and the physical fitness will determine the quality of your accomplishments. Do you remember the relationship between “Planning” and “Prepration” that we discussed at the very beginning of this article?
Let me motivate you with a couple of Chanakya’s Quotes on physical health:
- You can earn money after losing it, you can make new friends, and also you can get another wife, but this is not the case with the body.
- One who wears dirty clothes, has filthy teeth, oversleeps, and uses foul language. Such person cannot gain prosperity and good health.
So guys if you are not getting the results that you expected, then the issue might be either related to your physical fitness or with your mental health. Start working on your weaker side and transform it as your strength.
🙁 This post is dedicated to great brains with a weaker body.